With the passage of the Every Students Succeeds Act in 2015, many states’ ESSA plans incorporate college and career readiness indicators that align with the national Redefining Ready! initiative.
Highlighted below are approved plans and their accountability systems and indicators sections, many of which highlight college and career readiness measurements.
References: US Department of Education, Center for American Progress
Arizona College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Performance in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
- CTE classes, job training or workplace learning experiences
- Earning an industry-recognized credential or certificate, or CTE course performance
- ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) performance
- Postsecondary enrollment
- Military enrollment or service
- High school diploma pathways
- Application for FAFSA
Connecticut College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Participation in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
- CTE classes, job training or workplace learning experiences
- Postsecondary enrollment
Delaware College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Performance in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
- CTE classes, job training or workplace learning experiences
- Earning an industry-recognized credential or certificate, or CTE course performance
- ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) performance
District of Columbia
District of Columbia College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Participation in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
Illinois College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Performance in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
- CTE classes, job training or workplace learning experiences
- Earning an industry-recognized credential or certificate, or CTE course performance
- Trade school or workforce enrollment
- Military enrollment or service
- Grade Point Average
- Co-curricular or extra curricular activities
- Community service
Louisiana College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Performance in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
- Earning an industry-recognized credential or certificate, or CTE course performance
- High school diploma pathways
Maine College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
Massachusetts College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Participation in advanced coursework or exams
Nevada College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Performance on college entry exams
- Earning an industry-recognized credential or certificate, or CTE course performance
- High school diploma pathways
New Jersey
New Jersey College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
New Mexico
New Mexico College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Postsecondary enrollment
North Dakota
North Dakota College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Performance in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
- CTE classes, job training or workplace learning experiences
- Earning an industry-recognized credential or certificate, or CTE course performance
- Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery performance
- Grade Point Average
- Co-curricular or extra curricular activities
Oregon College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
Tennessee College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Attendance
- Participation in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
- Earning an industry-recognized credential or certificate, or CTE course performance
Vermont College and Career Readiness Indicators
- Performance in advanced coursework or exams
- Performance on college entry exams
- Earning an industry-recognized credential or certificate, or CTE course performance
- ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) performance
- Postsecondary enrollment
- Trade school or workforce enrollment
- Military enrollment or service